
After the mysterious silver door opened, the catastrophe came to this world. Human civilization has fallen in the invasion of Stardust pollution and abnormal forms.

Starting from the desolation, you have accumulated little by little the resources for survival, healed the land polluted by Stardust inch by inch, and recaptured one by one the sites of human civilization occupied by deformities.

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  • You are the survivor in the wilderness

Most of the land, under the pollution of Stardust, has become a wild area which is difficult to be used by human beings, and is spread all over the teratogens and dangerous creatures.

  • You are the soldier fighting against the catastrophe

We must recover the homeland of mankind from them! Although the metamorphosis has always regarded humans as prey, now, transcendent, we have you… It’s time for you to become a hunter.


  • You are the builder of civilization

Forty years of grief almost annihilated the remaining human memory of the past, but you still remember. You should not only tell the latecomers about the prosperity, but also lead them to recreate it.

  • You are the transcendent of human evolution

What is the truth of the catastrophe? Is there any secret to the complete cure of dust pollution in the mysterious Rosetta base? To know this, it is not enough to rely on one person’s strength.

You need to gather all those who share the same ideals – both transcendent and ordinary human beings – to explore the mysteries of destruction and evolution.

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⭐ Category: Action
⭐ Total Size: 7.73GB
⭐ Mobile Game: Android/iOS



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